This September, the hunting industry should be celebrating.

Not just because it is spring, or the hunting season is in top gear. But because a buffalo bull, with horns of over 50 inches was sold at an auction in South Africa for US $4m.

Crazy as that may seem – and whether you are for or against the breeding of wildlife – the value of large-horned beasts for breeding, the willingness of the wealthy to invest in the industry and, ultimately, how this all points back to the value of hunting, could not have got a more clear signal. Yet, despite some people’s apparently insatiable desire to hunt – and hunt trophy beasts – the hunting industry across Africa does not work together. Nor does it promote the benefit of hunting as an industry anywhere near to what it could. It simply misses opportunities to tell a really good story.

This month was one such opportunity.

We hope you enjoy the news and information in this month’s bulletin.

– Richard Lendrum