After years of promoting hunting in Africa, where there are literally hundreds of safari operations to choose from, (500 plus), we wanted to help you, by working with a limited number, roughly 10% and channel our efforts behind them.


We invited a limited group of established outfitters from across Africa – for two reasons:

  • To help you make the right choice, and ultimately to promote hunting in Africa.
    We know them all.
  • And for your peace of mind, they have committed to this declaration (below) when joining.

We invite you to contact them directly.


We’re simply here to promote them.


Regards, Richard Lendrum

Outfitter Declaration: I am committed to being in a team that is working for the good of Africa’s professional hunting. I will not bring the industry into disrepute through any of my direct actions or through the safari operation I run. In addition, all the hunting safaris we promote and operate in Africa, are within the law of the land in which we operate.

Adroda Safaris

Aru Game Lodges & Hunting Safaris

Axel Engman Safaris

Bergzicht Game Lodge

BoschNel Safaris

Bowker Safaris

Bushmoon Safaris

Daggaboy Hunting Safaris

Dave Freeburn Safaris

Dirk de Bod Safaris

Eastern Cape Bowhunting

Ekuja Hunting Safaris

Eland Safaris

Elandpro Safaris

eZulu Adventures

Game Trackers Africa

Heritage Safaris

Hunters Safaris South Africa

Jamy Traut Safaris

Jofie Lamprecht Safaris

Johan Calitz Safaris

John Sharp Safaris

Kantanta Hunting Safaris

Keibeb Safaris

Ken Moody Safaris

Khomas Highland Hunting Safaris

Kwalata Safaris

Lake Albert Safaris

Madubula Safaris

Makadi Safaris

Makasa Safaris

Mashambanzou Safaris

Mayo Oldiri Safaris

Mike Currie Adventures

Mokore Safaris

Monterra Safaris

Namibia Safari Corporation

Namibia Safari Corporation

Ndumo Hunting Safaris Southern Africa

Nick Nolte Hunting Safaris

Northern Operations Africa

Pete Barnard Safaris

Quality Hunting Safaris

Rann Safaris

Richard Cooke Safaris

Rob Lurie Safaris

Rolling River Safaris

Rovos Rail Tours

Royal Karoo Safaris

Safaris de Mozambique

SB Hunting Safaris

Shamwari Safaris

Spear Safaris

Stone Hunting Safaris

Strang Middleton Safaris

Thierry Labat Safaris

Watts Trophy Hunting Safaris

Wayne Grant Safaris

Wow Africa Safaris

Zambeze Delta Safaris