We provide the ultimate in comprehensive hunting experiences throughout Southern Africa. We are a family-owned hunting operation founded in 1970 by Frank and Jenny Bowker. Hunting has been in the family since the early 1800s when the family arrived in Southern Africa. Many of the Bowkers hunted all through Africa in the days of the great walk-in safaris. Bowker Safaris is rooted in a tradition of hunting that goes back eight generations.
Today Frank, Meyrick, Alexis and Lily Bowker carry on with these traditions in the original homestead that offers wonderful ambience and warm hospitality to all our local and international hunting clients. We look forward to sharing this experience with you.
We specialize in dangerous game and Eastern Cape plains-game safaris which include many species not found elsewhere in Africa. Choose from exciting walk and stalk, bow, handgun, and rifle hunting opportunities, as well as world-class wingshooting in our exclusive concessions. Check the SCI record books dating back to the 70s for all the great trophies collected by our clients.