The Practical Shot


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By Natie Oelofse & Wayne Hendry

A Field Guide to Shot Placement on African Game

Are you going on your first safari? Or even your third or fourth? This is the book for you.

Many hours stalking in the bush: sweating and exhausted: perhaps with a restricted view of the game – these are just some of the circumstances faced when you’re hunting game in Africa. Conditions are seldom ideal – there are too many variables.

With these constraints in mind, two experienced big game hunters have authored the first practical guide to shot placement for the hunter on safaris in Africa.

Clear, full colour photographs of animals taken in typical situations, illustrate precisely where to place your shot. These images taken by the authors, are complemented by the well-explained no nonsense approach in the text.

This guide is a practical tool for the game hunter in Africa – you won’t leave home without it.

No client should embark on a safari first studying it’.