Contact: (Owner/Manager) Lestie Cloete-Trollip
Mobile: +27 82 667 8675
Contact Email:

Tell us a little about your operation

How it started and how we got into the industry…

I am Lestie Cloete-Trollip, Co-Owner of Limpopo Taxidermy in Phalaborwa. My interest in Taxidermy art started in high school already. I did two beginner courses at the Transvaal Museum in Pretoria in a school holiday in my Grade 10 year. After Matric I got a job at Zululand Taxidermy (I feel honoured to have had Coenie Swanepoel as mentor and teacher in this trade) as an apprentice where I was taught the technical side of taxidermy and other tricks of the trade.

How many years have you been in the business?

In October 2004, my father Herman Cloete and I opened our taxidermy in Phalaborwa. We are still a small taxidermy operation so that we can be hands on with the quality of each trophy that our clients receive.

What are your favourite mounts & why?

I really enjoy doing the smaller full mounts like small cats and small antelope. So far my favourite is the Genet! I also enjoyed the times when I had the opportunity to do leopard, cheetah and lion and scarcer animals like Oribi and Pangolin. I like doing shoulder mounts and even a common antelope like Impala stays interesting to do when realising each individual is unique in colour, markings in the face, interesting horn shapes etc.

Current processes offered

  • Pick up & collect trophies: No. Trophies need to be delivered
  • Own tanning facilities: NO
  • Forms -bought in

Delivery time (approximate)

  • Dip and Pack: 4-6months
  • European mounts: 6-8 months
  • Shoulder mounts: 10-12 months
  • Full mounts: 10-16 months

Trophy Gallery