After many hours of negotiation and deliberation with the organisations in the USA , mainly Mr John Fraser from the National Rifle Association who tirelessly helped and answered questions , submitted clarifications the Central Firearms Register and Commander of the South African Police Firearm import office at Or Tambo have advised that no matter what information is submitted to the authorities about the non expiry of a US Customs Form 4457 they wish to see a US Customs form stamped by US Customs with a 2017 date on it . This form is used to prove ownership of the firearm. They wish to see this form completed correctly with all the relevant information on it : Firearm Type / Make / Model/ calibre / Serial number on the form .
Please can you take time out and get an updated form that has the a 2017 date on it. I apologise for the inconvenience but to experience a trouble free start to your safari this needs to be done .
At this time it is my understanding that applications that are already submitted for a pre-issued permit will be honoured but applications from now on in must have the 2017 date on the US Customs form 4457 .
If we receive any updates I will be passing them onto the readers .
The updated form CBP Form 4457 is available by clicking here.