Amanzi,* Our life blood

Toto’s song Africa – ‘I bless the rains down in Africa’ – celebrates and gives thanks for life-giving rain. Some say the song is about starting out, cleansing, getting away from technology. And where better than on an African safari? No explanation required for those who have experienced this…

About our rains – boy oh boy, haven’t we had them recently! Sure, there has been flood damage in areas, and loss of life, sadly – but we needed this rain. And rather too much than too little. It is the bedrock, foundation for life and growth itself.

In discussions this week with an outfitter who recently returned from Vic Falls, he said he tries to get all his clients to go there before the hunt, just for a few days. It helps them get into the African spirit. I couldn’t agree more, as I feel there is no better place to visit in southern Africa. And while talking of water – when you visit Africa (again hopefully) I invite you to take time to stop and appreciate the variety and diversity of some of our water features – falls, dams, lakes, and rivers, big and small. Many are legendary. Many are at full capacity this year for the first time in ages.