Exhibitor Information

What’s the intention behind this events?

Over the years, African outfitters have spent more and more time in international destinations marketing themselves – mostly in North America. And if there were one or two venues where they mostly congregate it would be the great international events hosted by SCI (Safari Club International) and DSC (Dallas Safari Club). However the world is changing and with it, so are the demands on both the busy executive who want to go hunting and the outfitter who wants to market himself. So along come a plethora of private venue functions, local hunting club gatherings, all in the pursuit of new hunters in the most cost effective way. While these two great major hunting clubs collectively represent 60 000 hunters, many do not get a chance to attend their fine exhibitions because of a variety of time and resource challenges.

Furthermore, and more importantly, there are probably and very conservatively 250 000 hunters in North America who have the means, who probably dream of, but have never hunted Africa. They have probably never been marketed to, and probably don’t realize that for what they spend on a local deer, mule or elk hunt; they could be on a Delta flight and in 16 hours be hunting 5 species for the same price on African soil. This is our market.

What is different about this event?

The show will focus only on Africa

The outfitters will all have to be registered and legal operators

The exhibitors will have ownership in the event

Why only Africa?

Africa offers more variety of game, both plains and big game than any other destination.

This destination has much to offer visitors and there is much to find out about, and much to risk, hence we thought, a focused event would be more suitable.

There is no exclusive African hunting expo or show, anywhere other than in Toronto, which we launched in 2009.

Considering there are over 10 000 Americans alone that visit Africa, we know they don’t all attend any one event currently, there must be an opportunity to show those existing customers what there is to offer.

Why Atlanta?

The big international shows in North America, where Africa features prominently are back west (Texas and Nevada).

A vast number of the existing hunting community live east of the Mississippi.

Georgia and the neighboring States have huge numbers of enthusiastic hunters.

Our mission is to explore potentially new markets for the African hunting industry.

Atlanta is one of the most accessible(and subsequently most reasonable) hubs to fly into.

Atlanta is the most accessible and direct route for the majority of all African outfitters

Delta has daily flights (now non-stop) from SA to Atlanta.

SAA also flies to Atlanta.

How will we vet the exhibitors?

We have had many comments on this topic and it is a very difficult issue to manage. There are legal and totally legitimate outfitters that may still offer substandard service. We cannot police that. Nor can we take action on hearsay.

We can and will work through the Country’s Hunting Associations and allow only those members that are registered. There will be a media and information centre with representation from the countries, for all exhibitors where all available information will be available of the members in that country and those attending.

The Agents and intermediaries exhibiting, that so often book many of the hunts to Africa will only be able to sell outfitters that are registered.

This was there will ALWAYS be recourse to any problems.

That said, there is an onus and responsibility that falls on the potential hunter to do his or her own reference checks and we will assist with this process.

Why are we offering 40% equity of the event to the first 100 exhibitors?

My thinking was that by offering ownership to the Industry, we would have a collective approach to the success of the event. It would not be us hosting a show for the African hunting industry, but rather with the Industry.

Do you have to attend each year to be part of this ownership?

Yes, because we do not want to have a situation where you join, and then sit back and not be part of the show’s growth.

If someone does not want to attend, the way they will retain their ownership the following year is to ensure they are the first 100 exhibitors.

How will the profits be distributed?

As and when there are profits, which may take a few years, these will be distributed shortly after the event, or used for further initiatives.

What will the entity be?

At this stage, it will be a JV which simple has a budget, the costs and income disclosed. There will be no downside for the 40$ outfitters, they will merely be enjoying a share of the profits in the first year. As and when there are surpluses, these will be distributed accordingly.

Booth allocation

Because there is no points system, booths will be drawn out of a hat or alphabetical. The premium positions, once we know which they are due to this event launching, will attract a premium, but not for the year 1.

Africa training & education seminars. When are these run? Does this happen during “sale” time – taking buyers away from Sale Floor.

Training seminars attract people, and add value for the visitor hence the reason we’d like to offer a limited number of training sessions. We will try having them at times that lessen the impact on the sales time, but the experience is that auctions during the day tended to impact more heavily than seminars.

Entrance Fee

$40 for both days and $60, which includes a year’s subscription to the African Hunting Gazette.


Richard Lendrum (Publisher of African Hunting Gazette) will run the business with an Exco Board of 8 others.

The EXCO Board of 9 will be established (meeting a minimum of once a year, with 5 representatives from the Industry and 4 from the Future Publishing team).

Marketing & Awareness

The Show will be advertised nationally through the various hunting media (websites, magazines and TV shows appropriate for this market).

Aside from the location of the SHOW being in Atlanta, we will promote Africa as a destination to new markets; Elk hunters, sheep hunters, traditional North America hunters outside the existing markets.

We will seek some safaris as draws / raffles for attendees as a way to raise awareness.

Starting anything is always a risk. Both for us, who have stuck our necks out and committed to it and of course the exhibitors, who have taken time out and spent money attending to it. What we do know is that if we do NOT start a new show, nothing will happen and we will be left with the options we all have currently – which is not enough to secure the growth that Africa needs and deserves for her hunting.

So what steps have we taken?

We have offered a sizable share in the show to the first 100 exhibitors. This will hopefully get all the exhibitors to believe and feel that this is as much ‘their show’ as it is ours. The interest in the event form exhibitors is great and we will definitely have an event – whether it is 40, 50 or 100 exhibitors.

As for the visitors – Hopefully the exhibitors will firstly tell all their clients to come visit them at their show. We are working with the SCI chapters in Atlanta and neighboring states and will be offering an incentive for their members to visit our show – as there is more than half the membership that does not visit RENO and could visit our event if it’s within striking distance.

We have embarked on an extensive promotion campaign through the following channels and will continue to build where we can.

Publication advertising

African Hunting Gazette:

African Hunting Guide in association with Craig Boddington :

  • African Hunter –
  • Hunting Report –
  • Sports Afield –
  • Sporting Classics –
  • Georgia’s Annual Hunting Guide –
  • Tennessee’s Annual Hunting Guide –
  • Petersen’s Hunting –
  • Sportsmen’s News –


  • Wild TV channel advertising –

Website promotion

Direct mail and emails

  • Databases of ACTUAL hunters who have visited Africa in the last 4 years –
  • African Hunting Gazette database of current and past subscribers
  • Database of leading booking Agents – 14000 emails and 60 000 addresses

Conservation & fund raising

  • Other number one mission is to get established. As we grow, hopefully, any funds raised or donated for conservation initiatives will be spent exclusively on African
  • conservation initiatives.
  • A conservation committee will be established to manage this process run by John Jackson III of Conservation Force and Dr. John Ledger, who is based in Joburg
  • Hunt Donations

If, and only if, hunts are ever donated – they will be accepted for two reasons only:

to promote the show publicly, where visitors could win the prize and two where the funds go directly into African conservation initiatives.


We have negotiated with the hotel, a rate that is vastly reduced and assists with us hosting the expo costs. The details of the property have been outlined under the venue section of the site but for more information visit www.africanhuntingshow.com.

When you book at the venue, as an additional incentive to stay there, we are including all reservations into a draw for the SAFARI. Just something extra we want to offer.

African Hunting Expo – Edmonton

{tab=Show Info}


African Hunting Expo – Edmonton
Saturday January 23rd (10:00 – 6:00) – Sunday January 24th (10:00 – 4:00)
Chateau Nova, Yellowhead Trail


Unique Qualities of the expo

  • Only Africa-related products may exhibit.
  • Small & exclusive, encouraging one-on-one time between buyer and seller, in a relaxed atmosphere.
  • Two day format (Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. & Sunday 10 p.m. to 4 p.m.) Exhibitors may arrive Friday morning to minimize accommodation expense.
  • Hassle free. Arrive at the expo with your brochures and prices lists, no set up or breakdown required, no booth storage expense.
  • All exhibiting outfitters are required to be a member of their countries hunting association.
  • Limited number of outfitter exhibitors per country.
  • No hunt donations required.


Why Edmonton, Alberta?

The ‘Texas’ of Canada, Alberta is rich in oil! And with nearly 370,000 hunters in the surrounding western provinces of Canada, this is where the market is!
The Facts about Hunters in Alberta – (2008 Update excluding neighbouring provinces)

  • Annually, there are over 114,000 licensed hunters.
  • 18,000 bow hunters in Alberta.
  • 7,000 youth hunters in Alberta.
  • 8,400 female hunters in Alberta.
  • Average age of an Alberta hunter is 40 years (Male) and 44 years (Female).

Edmonton is the second largest city in Alberta and the economic activity is mostly centered on petroleum; with agriculture, high tech industries, and tourism.

Alberta is one of the strongest outdoor markets in Canada, with 95 species of wildlife, the 2nd largest of any province in Canada, thus creating a very strong hunting fraternity.

In a survey on public opinion 70% of the respondents reported having either a very favourable attitude toward hunting in Alberta (conducted for the Hunting for Tomorrow Foundation). This is good news, as it creates an environment of a hunter friendly province, which means more potential business for you.

The target market for this expo are qualified hunters with both the means and interest to hunt in Africa. In terms of geographical focus, marketing efforts are being concentrated on the province of Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and the US states of Washington and Montana. There is a large, untapped market in Canada. Canadian hunters are passionate about their sport, but have had little exposure to African hunting opportunities and its affordability.


{tab=Venue & Accommodation}





{tab=Exhibitor Info}


2016 Exhibitor Application Form : Click here to download it now.





{tab=Visitor Info}


Pre-Register now and receive a free Big Bore DVD
*while quantities last



Show dates : 23rd and 24th January 2016

Show Times : Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. & Sunday 10 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Cost : $20 per person for two days

Children under 16 Free.

Venue : The Nisku Inn and Conference Centre.

Address : 1101-4th St, Nisku, Alberta, T9E 7N1

To reserve : 1-800-661-6966

Email : guestservices3@niskuinn.com

Website : www.niskuinn.com



  • 1 X 1 year subscription / renewal to the African Hunting Gazette (valued at $45)






Nicole Kelly
Subscription/Distribution Manager – African Hunting Gazette
E-mail : nicole@africanhuntinggazette.com
Website : www.thefuturegroup.co.za

Richard Lendrum
MD & Publisher – African Hunting Gazette
Mobile : +27 82 653 7185
Tel : +27 11 803 2040
Fax : +27 11 803 2022
E-mail : richard@thefuture.co.za
Website : www.thefuturegroup.co.za
9 3rd Avenue,
Rivonia, Johannesburg 2128,
South Africa



African Hunting Expo – Scandinavia

{tab=Show Info}


African Hunting Expo – Scandinavia
Sweden 8th – 9th March 2014
Denmark : Jutland 12th – 13th March 2014
Denmark : Copenhagen 15th – 16th March 2014

Friday ( 11:00 – 20:00 ) / Saturday ( 12:00 – 18:00 )


During the last year we have spoken to lots of hunting outfitters, and many of them want to explore the Scandinavian hunting market. We at the African Hunting Gazette have decided to host a road show targeting areas in Sweden and Denmark where most of the hunting communities live.

After visiting both countries we have come up with an idea that is a hassle-free way of doing three shows. Transport, food and accommodation is very expensive so we have decided to offer an all-inclusive package that covers these, plus the venue, banner production, Wi-Fi access, tables and chairs. Flights to and from Copenhagen and alcohol are not included.


To start with, four mini-buses will be hired.

Exhibiters will arrive on 7 March 2014 and be met at Copenhagen International Airport at the Information Centre in the main terminal building. The transport will depart for the Swedish town of Astorp for a stay at the Best Western Hotell Klippan.

After breakfast on 8 and 9 March 2014, exhibiters will be driven to VramsGunnarstorp Castle which is the venue for the two-day show starting at 10 a.m. and finishing at 6 p.m. This venue is on a famous hunting estate and has its own indoor video shooting range where we could have competitions for the best/luckiest shot. There is a lot of free parking space so visitors will not have a problem parking.


At 10 a.m. on 10 March 2014, the buses will leave for Jutland to the FuglsØcenter at Mols. It is a scenic seven-hour drive and we will stop off for lunch en route. We will be staying at this venue which has both the hotel and conference facilities. This centre overlooks a bay and has numerous activities on offer. On 11 March we are planning a dinner, cheese and wine evening on a nearby hunting estate.


On Friday, 12 March our expo runs from 11 a.m. till 8 p.m., and Saturday 13 March our expo runs from 12 p.m. till 6 p.m.

On the morning of 14 March 2014 we drive to Copenhagen and stay at the Hotel Østerport for the remainder of our visit. The venue for our expo is at the Charlotte Haven which is a 900 metre walk, or a short train or bus trip, from the hotel. Again, the expo runs from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on 15 and 16 March 2014.

On 17 March we leave Copenhagen for South Africa.


Notes :

  • Included is all food and beverage (excludes alcohol)
  • Included is all transport to the various destinations (except flights to and from Copenhagen)
  • Should you wish to hire your own car, Carhire 3000 is the best.
  • All destinations include free Wi-Fi and Internet
  • Suggested airline route – Emirates flight via Dubai – www.emirates.com


{tab=Venue & Accommodation}


Coming Soon !


{tab=Exhibitor Info}


Download the 2014 Exhibitor Application Form here


{tab=Visitor Info}


Coming Soon !





Richard Lendrum
MD & Publisher – African Hunting Gazette
Mobile : +27 82 653 7185
Tel : +27 11 803 2040
Fax : +27 11 803 2022
E-mail : richard@thefuture.co.za
Website : www.thefuturegroup.co.za
9 3rd Avenue,
Rivonia, Johannesburg 2128,
South Africa



Atlanta List of Exhibitors

List of Exhibitors – 2013

Click on an exhibitor’s name to view their profile.

AAA Serapa Safaris www.serapasafaris.com
Danny McCallum Safaris www.dannymccallumsafaris.com
Die Keiler www.africa-hunting.com
Ekland Safaris www.eklandsafaris.com
Elite African Safaris www.eliteafricansafaris.co.za
Etosha Heights Game Safaris www.etoshahunting.com
Eulalie Hunting Safaris www.eulaliehunting.com
Game Trackers Africa – Ondjamba Safaris www.gametrackersafrica.com
German Woods Studio www.germanwoodsstudio.truvistaspace.com
Gulf Breeze Firearms www.gbfirearms.com
Hunters Namibia – Joof Lamprecht www.huntersnamibia.com
Impala African Safaris www.impalasafaris.com
Johan Pieterse Safaris www.jpsafaris.co.za
John Sharp Safaris www.john-sharp-safaris.com
Jonas Brothers Studio of New York www.jonasbrotherstaxidermy.com
Luwire Safaris www.luwire.com
Nightforce Optics www.nightforceoptics.com
Northeastern CHB www.necb.net
Okarumuti Game Lodge www.okarumutigamelodge.com
Omujeve Hunting Safaris www.omujevesafaris.com
Phillip Bronkhorst Safaris www.pbsafaris.com
Rann Safaris www.rannsafaris.com
Rudy Lubin Safaris www.rudylubinsafaris.com
Sporting Classics www.sportingclassics.net
Stormberg Elangeni Safaris www.sesafaris.com
Thandeka Safaris www.thandekasafaris.co.za
The Hunting Report www.huntingreport.com
Xomaqua Safaris www.xomaqua.co.za

African Hunting Expo – Atlanta

{tab=Show Info}


African Hunting Expo – Atlanta
Friday January 9th (11:00 – 8:00) – Saturday January 10th (10:00 – 7:00)
Adventure Outdoors (Smyrna)


Why Atlanta

  • Now in its 5th year and we have moved to Adventure Outdoors
  • Ideally situated in a dedicated expo area inside one of Georgia’s best known and largest gun shops
  • 80% of America is within a direct flight from Atlanta
  • Atlanta is arguably the USA gateway to Africa
  • The American southeast has a long history of hunting


Unique Qualities of the Show

  • A boutique, exclusive ‘African’ environment for the serious hunter who specifically makes the effort to talk business
  • Encouraging one-on-one time between buyers and sellers, in a relaxed, yet sophisticated atmosphere
  • Two day format where exhibitors can arrive literally with their brochures, reducing accommodation and travel expenses.


Why a show in the South East

Within a few hour’s drive or a short flight the south east of the USA right on our doorstep.

Neighbouring states are home to the following hunters:
•  Alabama 270,000 •  Mississippi 250,000
•  Florida 180,000 •  North Carolina 350,000
•  Georgia 380,000 •  South Carolina 200,000
•  Louisiana 260,000 •  Tennessee 590,000


Pre-register – Click here

{tab=Venue & Accommodation}


Adventure Outdoors (Smyrna)

Address : 2500 South Cobb Dr SE, Smyrna, GA 30080, United States Tel: (770) 333-9880
Website : http://www.adventureoutdoors.us
Click an image to enlarge




Once you have clicked on link, please select arrival and departure date and search. Then proceed on to making your reservation. 


  • Reservations must be made before Dec 8, 2014 to get the rate.
  • The rate is for Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
  • Any days outside of this block will be 109.00

{tab=Exhibitor Info}


2015 Exhibitor Application Form : Click here to download it now.





{tab=Visitors Info}


Pre-Register now and receive a free Big Bore DVD
*while quantities last



Show dates : 9th and 10th January 2015

Show Times : Friday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. & Saturday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Cost : $20 per person for two days

Children under 16 Free.

Venue : Adventure Outdoors.

Address : 2500 South Cobb Dr SE, Smyrna, GA 30080, United States Tel: (770) 333-9880



  • 1 X 1 year subscription / renewal to the African Hunting Gazette (valued at $45)





Nicole Kelly
Subscription/Distribution Manager – African Hunting Gazette
E-mail : nicole@africanhuntinggazette.com
Website : www.thefuturegroup.co.za

Richard Lendrum
MD & Publisher – African Hunting Gazette
Mobile : +27 82 653 7185
Tel : +27 11 803 2040
Fax : +27 11 803 2022
E-mail : richard@thefuture.co.za
Website : www.thefuturegroup.co.za
9 3rd Avenue,
Rivonia, Johannesburg 2128,
South Africa

