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Issue April – June 2017 ezine
April this year, 37 years ago, Zimbabwe became independent. The world celebrated as Zimbabwe’s majority had their long-awaited and foughtfor freedom. A continental powerhouse and agricultural breadbasket, with oodles of potential was handed over. Sadly, the cost of freedom, borne by millions who are voluntarily exiled across the globe, (and most notably in South Africa) was too great. The economic, human rights, political, commercial and environmental downfall of this once-great country have been well documented, and I certainly don’t want to waste precious space in the AHG going on about it. While growing up in Bulawayo, I collected stamps, and the highest denomination at that time was the Z$2 stamp* depicting the Victoria Falls. I used to trawl the philately shops (can you believe there were such places back then) looking for a particular flaw on this stamp. One of the natural wonders of the world, Vic Falls is arguably an adventure capital of the world. Definitely it is in Africa.
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